Even though it was night,
Even though it was not day,
Even though there was no light
They gathered, the gods convened
There in Teotihuacan
City of the Gods, where man become gods
Known as Tollan
Pyramid of the sun
Third largest in the world
In the heart of the city
Blossoming like an Aztec Pearl
1 million cubic meters of brick and mud
Painted and adorned with gemstone doves
71 meters up high from the ground
5th layer is the crown, do you see the ground
Like the Pyramid of Khufu
Identical in size
Like the Pyramid of Giza, perfectly aligned
He has been made a god there
He who has died
Lords were buried inside
Pyramid of the moon
Mimicking the mountain range
Some call it Tenan
Protected from age
Covering something older than the Pyramid of the Sun
Platform livicated to the Goddess and her Son
Opposite moon plaza
Oh a huge stone
Water did flow living waters restore
Offerings of greenstone and obsidian with gold
Yeah, volcanic lava flow
Temple of the feathered serpent
6 stepped pyramid
Smaller than the others
Levitated to Him
At the southern end
Blue sea shells cover you
Hundreds of metal spheres aboundeth in you
Mountain landscape deep underground
Pools of liquid mercury and fire can be found
And on the roof pyrite and hematite shine out
Imitate the blessed starlight somehow